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Web Design or Web Development

By: Frederic

Web Design or Web Development

Anyone who’s just getting started with web design can mix up web design and web development. Both are involved and crucial to a successful website, but they are two different areas of expertise. Let’s explore the definition of those two practices.

Web design mainly focuses on making a certain website beautiful, cohesive, and it’s optimizing its overall experience. Web designers mostly use Figma to create the website’s visual components — they also code with HTML and CSS for the designs. The specific types of designers who specialize in a certain type of design are:

  • Visual designer
  • User experience (UX) designer
  • User interface (UI) designer

On the other end of the spectrum, web development involves web languages and various software tools to create the website’s functionalities. It encompasses aspects such as web design, web programming, web publishing, and even database management. Developers are also classified into three main categories:

  • Full-stack developer
  • Backend developer
  • Frontend developer

Here in WP expert, we can apply both practices to give you the website of our dreams — we can also discuss the further distinctions of each role. We’re a web design agency based in Canada that offers WordPress professional services to entrepreneurs. Our team comprises seasoned professionals who are well-versed in both web design and development.

Just recently, we received our first ever review on Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews agency from Washington, DC. A client left their feedback for an ongoing website development project.


We developed a WordPress website that has custom plug-ins to fit the client’s needs. We’ve been working together since 2016 and the engagement is going great as ever.

“We had a super well-functioning and scalable website. We’re still using it today – and WP Expert continues to be an important partner.” 

— Director of Communications, Maytree

We received another one a few days later from the CEO of Sponsorship Collective, Chris Baylis who said:

“The client has saved a lot of time and money since engaging with WP Expert. The team is highly efficient, as they are able to successfully accomplish tasks with minimal instructions. The stakeholders are also highly-impressed with how the team consistently makes their company a priority.”


But WordPress development isn’t our company’s only niche — WP Expert is also featured in The Manifest, Clutch’s sister site. The platform showcases top firms and agencies all around the world, and we’re thrilled to be considered as one of the best web design agencies here in Canada.

ne of the best web design agencies here in Canada

Our team has experience in both web design and web development — we know their differences and we know what you need. We can help your business and organization excel in the WordPress webspace. If those three recognitions aren’t enough proof of what we can do, you can check our portfolio or contact us for more details.