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The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (GRSI) is a partnership between the Government of Canada, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), The Giustra Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, The Shapiro Foundation, and the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub. The GRSI works to encourage and support the adoption and expansion of community sponsorship programs around the world. The GRSI began by sharing Canada’s history, experience, and leadership in community sponsorship, by supporting countries in designing new programs that meet their unique needs, and by sharing innovations emerging in community sponsorship around the world.

Screen capture of the Refugee Sponsorship website

What We Have Created

For the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (GRSI) we created a modern bilingual website with vibrant colors, mega menus and a easy to navigate resource directory. GRSI has a lot of information on their website that needed to be easy to find and navigate. Plus it has a lot of documents that needed a resource directory where you can easily filter and search for any document that you need. Closely working together with GRSI we were able to create a website that fulfilled all their needs.

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